[Toybox] [PATCH] grep: add --line-buffered and fix regular buffering.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Tue Feb 26 01:08:51 PST 2019

On 2/25/19 2:21 PM, enh wrote:
> (that kind of thing especially can be done as a TODO: at the top of the file.
> there's even some precedent.)

I didn't list the TODO entries that are already checked in, or the failing tests
in the test suite I added to remind me to fix the issue, or blog entries, or the
roadmap, or things written down on physical paper, or the toybox section of the
notes.txt file in the "simple text editor" app on my phone...

When I say "todo list" it's sort of holistic. "Collate todo lists" is a
perpetual todo item and that just refers to the fact I have multiple files in
multiple directories named "todo.txt" or similar...

And "todo heap" is analogous to compost heap, yes. It has archaeological layers.
It sprouts new things all the time. Boots and a shovel are recommended.

>     As I said, this mess tends to be a symptom of "not enough time to clear backlog"
>     so even little things accumulate. Heck, I've got a dozen or so half-composed
>     email reply windows open just like this one...
> i know, you list these every time this comes up :-)

Hopefully not the same ones? I like to think I'm making _some_ progress...

> but even if you can't solve the whole problem, anything you can do to reduce
> your https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor helps...

You mean like these?


(I've been told Google's management considers Android's command line "good
enough", and were uninterested in funding me to spend time working through my
todo list. Not even to focus on the test suite or on documentation. So they
can't be _that_ worried...)

Just the toybox _license_ can eat weeks, between SPDX approval, _defending_ the
SPDX approval from OSI, arguing about it on github, a whole second round getting
OSI to agree with SPDX, then this month it's back to Github and trying _not_ to
reopen OSI or SPDX cans of worms...


I don't have the heart to face wikipedia[citation needed]. I convinced OSI to
stop misnaming the license (buried the hatched with Bruce Perens, even got Kirk
McKusick to publicly endorse the name), and wikipedia[citation needed] is STILL
deadnaming the license at
. Sigh. At least the part of
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-domain-equivalent_license where they were
doing the same has been turned into a very awkward "OSI says X. SPDX also says X
and said it first so I dunno why OSI is even mentioned unless you look at the
history of this wiki page..."

And gmail/dreamhost's unsubscribed everybody again. (Wrestles with web gui,
clicks through individual letter pages to uncheck the B checkboxes but not the U
checkboxes and click "submit" to reload each page before clicking on the next
letter...) And dreamhost wants its renewal check. And I haven't checked my own
gmail spam filter web page to see what it's false positived on in weeks... yup,
dozens from qemu-devel and buildroot and musl and linux-kernel... It is now
sending dreamhost "bounce action notification" messages to spam. That's almost
meta. Aha, I didn't see
(and missed it in the web archive), sorry about that...)

*shrug* The usual. (And my blog's up on https://landley.net/notes.html through
the end of August! Maybe I'll go edit and post more of that... Editing another
week's worth of entries took an hour and 3 minutes. Adding links and finishing a
sentence that stopped abruptly turned into adding several more paragraphs on the
topic, with even more links, as usual. But at least they're up now...)

-------------- next part --------------
This is an agreement between Vinny's Computing Company ("We/Us/Our") and
___________________________________________________ ("You/Youse/Your")
concerning the use of intellectual and intangible properties of Vinny's


"Software" shall mean useful, interesting, or merely amusing sequences
of bits and bytes, whether expressed as zero and one, dark and light,
yin and yang, male and female, or Cheech and Chong, which, when fed to a
general purpose digital computer, cause it to whirr and blink its

"Documentation" shall mean both the dried and squashed rectangular
pieces of trees, which the user looks at when the computer fails to
whirr and blink its lights, AND the bits and bytes of information
designed to be put on your own pieces of trees and therefore save us

"Stuff" shall mean real, tangible goods, which can be weighed,
inspected, shipped in a box and lost by the shipping service.


We desire to sell, and you desire to buy, the stuff we make. Now
therefore, to get you to buy the stuff, We have written certain
software, which we can't really sell because it doesn't really exist,
and anyway you could just buy one and make lots of copies, except that
the whole purpose of this agreement is to prevent you from doing that.


You agree that the software, which does not really exist, is the
exclusive property of us. In return for you sending us your money, we
will grant you a non-exclusive, perpetual right to use a single copy of
the Software on Stuff made by us. You may make additional copies and
furnish these copies to your own customers, provided that you make them
sign an agreement that is at least as complicated as this one, and
further provided that you send us more money for each copy you make.

In the event you make a bunch of copies and give them away, or you make
a bunch of copies and sell them without sending us more money, or you
make a bunch of copies and sell them without filling out the forms, our
attorneys and Louie's Collection Agency will see to it that human life,
as youse knows it, will be completely ruined.


Neither you nor we shall be held responsible for the weather, or the
unions, or what the damn politicians do. Neither party shall be held
responsible for delays due to acts of God, including but not limited to
plagues of locusts, frogs, or especially boils. In the event of global
thermonuclear war, this agreement shall terminate along with everything

FINE PRINT (Use Your Imagination)

1) In the event one or more provisions of this agreement are found
unlawful or unenforceable under the laws of any or all of the United
States, you agree to move your place of business to such other state or
country as may be more reasonable, except that nothing in this paragraph
shall be construed to require you to learn to talk in French.

2) This agreement is intended to be the sole and complete statement of
our obligations to you, and supersedes all previous understandings and
proposals, especially anything our salespeople promised.

3) This agreement shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the
parties hereto, their successors, their failures, their hopes, and their
dreams, so neither party shall assign this agreement without reading it

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