[Toybox] [PATCH] grep: add --line-buffered and fix regular buffering.

enh enh at google.com
Tue Feb 26 09:57:31 PST 2019

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 1:08 AM Rob Landley <rob at landley.net> wrote:
> On 2/25/19 2:21 PM, enh wrote:
> > (that kind of thing especially can be done as a TODO: at the top of the file.
> > there's even some precedent.)
> I didn't list the TODO entries that are already checked in, or the failing tests
> in the test suite I added to remind me to fix the issue, or blog entries, or the
> roadmap, or things written down on physical paper, or the toybox section of the
> notes.txt file in the "simple text editor" app on my phone...
> When I say "todo list" it's sort of holistic. "Collate todo lists" is a
> perpetual todo item and that just refers to the fact I have multiple files in
> multiple directories named "todo.txt" or similar...
> And "todo heap" is analogous to compost heap, yes. It has archaeological layers.
> It sprouts new things all the time. Boots and a shovel are recommended.
> >     As I said, this mess tends to be a symptom of "not enough time to clear backlog"
> >     so even little things accumulate. Heck, I've got a dozen or so half-composed
> >     email reply windows open just like this one...
> >
> > i know, you list these every time this comes up :-)
> Hopefully not the same ones? I like to think I'm making _some_ progress...

well, the `top -H` bug is new :-) (i have looked at that a couple of
times, but don't have a fix yet. on the bright side, i'm a lot more
confident about everything else we show in top right now --- seems to
match traditional top on my desktop at least.)

> > but even if you can't solve the whole problem, anything you can do to reduce
> > your https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor helps...
> You mean like these?
> http://landley.net/toybox/code.html
> http://landley.net/toybox/design.html
> http://landley.net/toybox/cleanup.html
> https://github.com/landley/toybox/commit/e2191095c3c6
> (I've been told Google's management considers Android's command line "good
> enough", and were uninterested in funding me to spend time working through my
> todo list. Not even to focus on the test suite or on documentation. So they
> can't be _that_ worried...)

_they_ don't care, but you and i do :-)

i think there's also the cookie-licking aspect of this... we both
know, for example, that dd needs a lot of work but it doesn't get it
because of the potential for collision. i assume the TAGGED_ARRAY
change is a step in the right direction, but didn't want to do
anything i didn't have to do in the same patch. (i'm assuming, for
example, that you'd rather have TT.ibs rather than TT.in.bs, but
because your in-progress state is invisible...)

this is one thing i like about gerrit: it's a good place to post
in-progress [but not ready to commit] work. that and leaving TODOs in
the code rather than out of band seems more conducive to having other
folks pitch in. (github also has a "help wanted" label for bugs that
the owners aren't actually working on.)

> Just the toybox _license_ can eat weeks, between SPDX approval, _defending_ the
> SPDX approval from OSI, arguing about it on github, a whole second round getting
> OSI to agree with SPDX, then this month it's back to Github and trying _not_ to
> reopen OSI or SPDX cans of worms...
> https://github.com/github/choosealicense.com/issues/464#issuecomment-438718643
> https://github.com/github/choosealicense.com/pull/643
> https://github.com/spdx/license-list-XML/pull/768
> I don't have the heart to face wikipedia[citation needed]. I convinced OSI to
> stop misnaming the license (buried the hatched with Bruce Perens, even got Kirk
> McKusick to publicly endorse the name), and wikipedia[citation needed] is STILL
> deadnaming the license at
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses#0-clause_license_(%22Zero_Clause_BSD%22
> . Sigh. At least the part of
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-domain-equivalent_license where they were
> doing the same has been turned into a very awkward "OSI says X. SPDX also says X
> and said it first so I dunno why OSI is even mentioned unless you look at the
> history of this wiki page..."
> And gmail/dreamhost's unsubscribed everybody again. (Wrestles with web gui,
> clicks through individual letter pages to uncheck the B checkboxes but not the U
> checkboxes and click "submit" to reload each page before clicking on the next
> letter...) And dreamhost wants its renewal check. And I haven't checked my own
> gmail spam filter web page to see what it's false positived on in weeks... yup,
> dozens from qemu-devel and buildroot and musl and linux-kernel... It is now
> sending dreamhost "bounce action notification" messages to spam. That's almost
> meta. Aha, I didn't see
> http://lists.landley.net/pipermail/toybox-landley.net/2019-February/010129.html
> (and missed it in the web archive), sorry about that...)

yeah, i didn't see that patch either.

> *shrug* The usual. (And my blog's up on https://landley.net/notes.html through
> the end of August! Maybe I'll go edit and post more of that... Editing another
> week's worth of entries took an hour and 3 minutes. Adding links and finishing a
> sentence that stopped abruptly turned into adding several more paragraphs on the
> topic, with even more links, as usual. But at least they're up now...)

anyway, getting back to grep --line-buffered... what's the next step?
merge this and do the x* flush-removal later? upload another patch
that's like this but removes the x* flushes rather than switches away
from x*? something else?

(also, if you're not happy with the dd patch you'll need to tell me
what you don't like :-) )

note that we're also entering peak TPS season again, so i'll be even
more evenings-and-weekends than usual.

> Rob

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