[Toybox] Android .config pondering.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Thu May 12 11:00:07 PDT 2022

On 5/11/22 15:00, enh wrote:
> On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 7:16 AM Rob Landley <rob at landley.net> wrote:
>> On 5/10/22 12:04, enh wrote:
>> > right now i think the "can't bootstrap without an existing toybox
>> > binary" is the worst mac problem. (i think there's already a thread
>> > about how your sed skills are too much for BSD sed...)
>> It has a SED= environment variable so you can point it at gsed on mac, but
>> GETTING gsed on the mac is outside my expertise...
> yeah, that's the "homebrew" i was talking about. (for all i know, it
> might actually be easier to just download and build gnu sed alone, but
> "if you're planning on using a mac for development, you'll want
> homebrew sooner or later" has meant i've never yet not given in and
> installed the whole thing.)

You know, if we get enough of toybox running on mac and AOSP already has
toolchain binaries...

Meh, I'm not volunteering my time to make Tim Cook richer. The FSF guys can
"properly" support the mac the same way they did cygwin.


>> > (this morning i had them ask "does toybox tar support $TAR_OPTIONS?"
>> $ man tar | grep TAR_OPTIONS
>> $
>> I don't know what that is?
> i was about to celebrate (because i'd already said to them that i
> personally _hate_ `GREP_OPTIONS` _because_ it messes with hermetic
> builds unless you know about it and explicitly clobber it,

I squashed those with env -i :


That said, it means mkroot is not supporting distcc and ccache, despite
https://github.com/landley/toybox/blob/master/scripts/install.sh#L120 supporting

> and the
> idea of having random other commands grow similar warts doesn't
> exactly fill me with joy) ... but then i noticed you only said "man",
> and this is a gnu thing, so _of course_ the man page won't mention it.
> how else could they make you use their stupid "info" crap?

It wasn't in tar --help either. :P

> anyway, checking whether this is a real thing the One True Way:
> $ strings `which tar` | grep OPTION
> cannot split TAR_OPTIONS: %s
>  [OPTION...]
> it's also described on the web:
> https://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_section/using-tar-options.html
> (but i still think it's a bad idea, personally.)

alias tar='tar $TAR_OPTIONS'

>> > wrt to https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/kernel/build/+/2090303
>> > where they'd like to be able to factor out the various "reproducible
>> > tarball please" options [like in the toybox tar tests].)
>> It supports --owner and --group and I made it so you can specify the numeric IDs
>> for both with the :123 syntax so you can specify a user that isn't in
>> /etc/passwd. (Commit 690526a84ffc.)
> yeah, that's what they want to not have to keep repeating.

Is the alias solution sufficient? (In theory that lets you add this support to
any command without the command having to know...)

Checking the corner cases:

  $ alias freep='echo $POTATO'
  $ freep walrus
  $ POTATO=42 freep walrus
  $ POTATO=42
  $ freep walrus
  42 walrus

It's not QUITE a full replacement because the prefixed environment variables are
set after command line options are evaluated. (Well, technically what's
happening is they're only exported into the new process's space and the command
line is evaluated against the parent's environment variable space.)

And yes, I need to get this right in toysh, where "right" matches bash...

In theory I could add a global "$COMMAND_OPTIONS" that automatically picks them
up for each command name, which would get grep and tar and ls and rm and
everything. In practice, that sounds horrific and is GOING to have security
implications somehow...

>> Meanwhile I was hitting
>> https://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1002.2/02231.html regularly. Right
>> now I'm trying to add a coldfire toolchain to to mkroot and it's all
>> https://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/ColdFireNotes
>> > Since gcc team seems to keep m68k issues in a very low priority, these
>> > toolchains have the libgcc.a, libgcov.a and multilibs copied from an old
>> > toolchain.
>> Thank you Wolfgang. Thanks EVER SO MUCH. Embedded guys just stop engaging with
>> "upstream" and keep using 10 year old kernels and toolchains because they got it
>> to work once and don't care what the crazy people are off doing. I'm nuts for
>> trying to get current stuff to work on the full range of theoretically supported
>> thingies, including NATIVE COMPILING on them.
>> Sigh.
> could be worse ... could be a _proprietary_ toolchain from a decade
> ago. not that _that_ ever happens...

Don't get me started on ARM jtag software. Either add support for your board and
dongle to Open Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or admit you haven't got jtag
support. (But no, that's now how they see it...)

(And yes, however it goes one of the hardware guys sets it up for me and leaves
me with dangly ribbon cables over my desk and a software package I didn't
install/configure except maybe via rote wiki instructions, but when you're using
stupidly expensive proprietary jtags there's always a finite number of licenses
insufficient to the team at hand and I never get one and wind up standing at
another engineer's desk debugging the problem over their shoulder. Of COURSE
when you have 15 boards and 3 jtags nobody learns to use a jtag and nobody
thinks to apply a jtag to the problem at hand, bit of a chicken and egg
situation there isn't it?)

>> >> (See, with aboriginal linux I was making my automated Linux From Scratch build
>> >> work for whatever host architecture you ran it on, x86, arm, mips, powerpc, sh4,
>> >> sparc, and so on. 95% of what autoconf dies boils down to 1) I was unaware of
>> >> all the symbols "cc -E -dM - < /dev/null" shows you, 2) #if
>> >> __has_include(<file>) hadn't been invented yet. But unfortunately, if you
>> >> snapshot the output it tries to use the arm answers on sparc, and you have to
>> >> preprepare versions for each target architecture in which case you might as well
>> >> just ship binaries? So I put in the work to make it actually perform its stupid
>> >> dance and get the right answers, so that when I added m68k or s390x it would
>> >> mostly Just Work. Not having autoconf at all is, of course, the much better
>> >> option...)
>> >
>> > aka "the only winning move is not to play" :-)
>> >
>> > +1 to that!
>> I had a rant years ago about how configure/make/install needed to be replaced
>> the way git replaced CVS. Here's a 2-part version, I'm sure I didn't better
>> writeups but can't find them....
>> http://lists.landley.net/pipermail/aboriginal-landley.net/2011-June/000859.html
>> http://lists.landley.net/pipermail/aboriginal-landley.net/2011-June/000860.html
>> Unfortunately, all I'd seen when I wrote that was a lot of svn and perforce, and
>> not a real proper "everybody moves to the new thing and universally agrees its'
>> better" complete rethink the way git finally rendered cvs properly irrelevant.
>> And sadly, that's STILL the case. (Otherwise we wouldn't have this
>> cmake/ninja/kaiju cycling every 5 years with the kernel still using gmake.)
> i think the trouble is that no-one's found the "big thing" here that
> git was able to offer. i don't think we're in the git/bk/bzr/hg/...
> phase, i think we're still in the cvs/svn phase.

+1 to that!

> version control also had the advantage that you could use the same one
> for all languages; every individual language community seems to have a
> strong preference for "their" build system, even if/though it's
> useless for everyone else.
> i wouldn't hold my breath for this getting any better before we're all retired.

A big advantage of scripting languages is you don't build. You run the source
code, there's no "make" step.

Sigh, back before Eric Raymond succumbed to Nobel Disease (he didn't even need
to win the award, but neither did Bill Joy, Richard Stallman, Richard
Dawkins...) we were working on a paper about the two local peaks in language
design space, and how C was kind of the "static everything, implementation
completely transparent" hill and scripting languages covered the "dynamic
everything, implementation completely hidden" hill, and in between you had a
no-mans-land of languages that tried to half-ass it and leaked implementation
details up through thick layers of abstraction.

C exposes all the implementation details and gives the programmer complete
manual control of everything (including resource allocation), which is a tedious
but viable way of working. Even stuff like alignment and endianness are ok as
long as you avoid using libraries that make assumptions: the programmer gets to
make all their own assumptions, and when it breaks you get to keep the pieces
and weld them back together in a new shape.

In something like Python, everything is reference counted and you can call a
method on an object that isn't there, catch the exception, ADD THE METHOD
(modifying the existing object), and then retry. Your container type is based on
a dictionary, which might be a hash table under the covers, or might be a tree,
or even a sorted resizeable array it's binary searching to look stuff up in...
and it doesn't MATTER because it's completely opaque and just works. They could
change HOW it works under the covers every third release and it's not your
problem, the implementation details never leak into the programmer's awareness
except as performance issues, and that you can just throw hardware at.

It was a long paper, we wrote at least 2/3 of it before our working relationship
broke down circa 2008. I'm still kind of sad we didn't get to finish it...

Anyway, the point is people working in python/ruby/php/javascript/lua/perl don't
need a make replacement, except for any native code they're doing.

> (i'll let the reader decide for themselves whether rpi pico
> introducing embedded folks to cmake is a positive step or not :-) )
>> Rob
> P.S. since i had a few minutes before my next meeting, i gave in and
> built gnu sed from source ... it took literally _minutes_ to run
> configure on this M1 mac, and then a couple of _seconds_ to actually
> build. so so wrong...

I know!


Back under Aboriginal Linux, I was running a build system under qemu that used
distcc to call out to the cross compiler running on the host (through the
virtual>host thing), which moved the heavy lifting of
compilation outside the emulator and let me do about a -j 3 build. (The QEMU
system would preprocess the file, stream out the resulting expanded.c, read back
in the .o file, and then link it all at the end. I was looking at using tinycc's
preprocessor instead of gcc's because that might let me do more like -j 5
builds. QEMU used a single host processor so you didn't usefully get SMP within
the VM.)

This meant the actual COMPILE part was reasonably snappy, but the configure
stage could literally take 99% of the build time. So what I did was statically
link the busybox instance that was providing most of the command line utilities,
which sped up ./configure by 20%.

(Part of this was an artifact of how QEMU works: it translated a page at a time
to native code, with a cache of translated code pages. Every time an executable
page was modified, the cached translated copy got deleted and would be
re-translated when it tried to execute it. Doing the dynamic linking fixups not
only deleted the translated codepages, but it reduced the amount of sharing
between instances because the shared pages got copy-on-write when they were
modified. These days they collate more stuff into PLT/GOT tables but that just
partially mitigates the damage...)

But yes, autoconf is terrible, it doesn't parallelize like the rest of the build
does, 90% of the questions it asks can be answered by compiler #defines or are


And then of course, half of cross compiling is best described as "lying to
autoconf". (It asks questions about the HOST and uses them for the TARGET.)


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