[Toybox] [PATCH] Enable ASan for github CI.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Mon Jul 10 23:21:34 PDT 2023

On 7/10/23 18:58, enh via Toybox wrote:
> Untested (because I don't know how to test such changes without merging
> them), but seems plausible based on the documentation at
> https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#about-environment-variables 
> ---
>  .github/workflows/toybox.yml | 2 ++
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

Applied, but who is this for? I'm not going to notice: I push from the command
line after testing locally. I check the github web UI less often than I still
check the busybox mailing list.

Between your first and second emails I was working to add ASAN=1 to the "make
tests" build target, starting by cleaning up my dirty scripts/test.sh file so I
could check it in (mostly comments, but I've been digging to try to get it
running under mkroot). But adding ": ${ASAN=1}" to the start of that file so I
could still test without it ala "ASAN= make tests" doesn't scripts/test.sh tests
the existing toybox binary, and for "make tests" toybox is built by a make
dependency which apparently CAN'T BE TOLD which target we actually called on the
command line, because gnu make is horrific. By the time scripts/test.sh gets run
the value of ASAN doesn't matter, and scripts/make.sh would have to do something
disgusting like ps $PPID to try to figure out that it got called from "make
tests". Hmmm...


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