[Toybox] [PATCH] Enable ASan for github CI.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Mon Jul 10 23:44:13 PDT 2023

On 7/11/23 01:21, Rob Landley wrote:
> On 7/10/23 18:58, enh via Toybox wrote:
>> Untested (because I don't know how to test such changes without merging
>> them), but seems plausible based on the documentation at
>> https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#about-environment-variables 
>> ---
>>  .github/workflows/toybox.yml | 2 ++
>>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
> Applied, but who is this for? I'm not going to notice: I push from the command
> line after testing locally. I check the github web UI less often than I still
> check the busybox mailing list.
> Between your first and second emails I was working to add ASAN=1 to the "make
> tests" build target.

Figured it out. Commit b564a6028bea.

I need to remember to "make distclean defconfig tests" instead of "distclean
defconfig toybox tests", but other than that...

Hmmm, that only adds ASAN to "make tests" and not the individual command tests.
The problem is the NDK breaks if I try to use ASAN with static linking, so I
_have_ to leave ASAN off if I'm to ever test bionic. (And the gcc/glibc version
of ASAN is not always ideal. When I stick printfs into the code to see what it's
doing, the ASAN dump scrolls them off the screen, so debugging WITHOUT it is
often noticeably faster in my workflow. I can stick almost anything in the
command history and then "cursor up three times hit enter" in the
compile/rinse/repeat debugging cycle, so changing the default isn't particularly
onerous but it's important for me to have a way _to_ disable it...)


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